2018 Membership and Renewal Form
Guild Resources
Member Roster - Emailed to members periodically
Becoming a member:
Dues are $30.00 per year, cash or check. See our membership form above.
Guests attending any regular monthly meeting at which they must pay a $5.00 “speaker fee” shall be issued a voucher to be used to offset $5.00 of their membership dues; the voucher must be redeemed within 4 months of issue.
Ongoing benefits of membership include: monthly newsletter, free Block of the Month patterns, free or reduced rate classes from local and regional quilt experts, guild member discounts at area quilt shops (if offered by shop) and discounted books from AQS.
Each new member will receive a membership roster, By-laws and Policies and Procedures; any other items as determined by the Membership Committee.
2024 Board Members
President: Rachel Rohrer
Vice President: Jenny Boudreaux
Program: Linda Hagen
Program Elect: Peggy Anderson
Secretary: Jean Heer
Treasurer: Jodi Price
Ways and Means: Cheryl Wilcox & Lynda Ochs
Ways and Means Elect: Dae Curtiss
Historian: Melissa Toburen
Public Relations: TBD
Membership: Conna Hiltner
Newsletter Editor: Sherri Critchfield
Advisor: Libby Corriston
2024 Committees
Welcome Table: Libby Corriston
Special Events: Heather Schaller
Challenge Quilt: Sherri Critchfield
President's Quilt: Lynda Ochs & Libby Corriston
Charity Quilt: Sherri Critchfield
Johnson County Fair: Sheila Pierce & Conna Hiltner
Tech: Melissa Toburen
KCQRF Representatives: Dae Curtiss & Mary Lou Guy
Outreach & Education: Jenny Boudreaux