Block of the Month 2019
The Block of the Month Committee for 2019 is being led by Carolyn Chaffin. It is making use of the Moda Blockheads 2.
We will publish 2 - 6 1/2 " blocks /month. You can complete 1 or both. One of the blocks completed each month must include a stripe.
Each quarter (April, July & October) bring in your blocks to show to others what you've created. Each person sharing their blocks will be put in a drawing for a prize. In January 2020, bring your finished quilt or flimsy to the guild meeting and prizes will be awarded for:
viewers’ choice
best use of a stripe
favorite setting
We published the January blocks in December so the last 2 blocks will be in the November newsletter giving you extra time to finish your project.
Blockheads 2 blocks for each month. Click on the block number to go to that block for printing.
February - Block 7 and Alternate Block 8
March - Block 9 and Block 22, and bonus Block 13
July - Block 20 and Alternate Block 21 and bonus Block 35
August - Block 18 and Block 41
September - Block 26 and Block 29 and bonus Block 31
October - Block 32 and Block 36 and bonus Block 5
November - Block 40 and Block 43
December - Block 46 and Block 52
Check out all the Blockheads 2 blocks at the Bear Creek Quilting website: